Wintering in the Heartfelt Quiet: an evening of ethereal music, satsang, and guided meditation, with Barry T. Smith

Anahata Bhakti

Listen to more Anahata Bhakti recordings on YouTube!

Debut album Awaken

In 2020, my debut album Awaken was released out in to the world.

Stream Awaken on Apple Music, YouTube, or Spotify.

Dear Listener,

Awaken was created as an existential deep-dive. What does it mean to be a human? What is actually happening here, in this miracle we call existence? Who and what are we really, and what are the implications of the reality of us?

Awaken is about waking up to the reality of our essential sameness – to the mysterious, aware life force that we all are. It is about waking up to the reality of our connectedness – not just as a nice idea, but in a way where we know this connectedness deep down in our bones. The songs reflect on our connections to each other, to the earth, to our own selves, and to all of life, along with speaking to the moments in our lives when we become keenly aware of the mysterious magic we are dancing in.

All of the songs on Awaken, are, in their deepest essence, prayers of the heart. May we awaken to our essential sameness, and to the wondrous miracle of this human existence. May we allow this awakeness to inform the way we move through this world of time and space. And may we embrace the wholeness of life, seeing love all the way through until it breaks our hearts, and seeing heartbreak all the way through until love meets us again.

Thank you for listening, pondering, wondering, and for giving of your precious time and attention to this creation of the heart.

Love and blessings to each one of you,


Produced by Emily Joan Smith, Barry T. Smith, and Anne Gauthier
Emily Joan Smith: vocals, acoustic guitar, piano, harmonium, ukelele, pump organ, synths
Barry T. Smith: electric guitar, bass guitar, vocals (1,2,6,7,10,11), acoustic guitar (2,7), drumset and percussion (1,2,6,10,11,12)
Charles Bingham: percussion (6,10)
Shawna Dellecave: vocals (6) and group singer (6,10)
Leo and Zora Smith: vocals (11)
Claire Bridges, Stephanie Mattingly, Charles Mitchell: group singers (6,10)

Photos and design by Barry T. Smith
Recorded, engineered, and mixed by Anne Gauthier at La La Land Studios in Louisville, KY
Mastered by Harold LaRue at
All songs written by Emily Joan Smith
My Sea and My Shore (7) co-written with Barry T. Smith