“Satsang” is a sanskrit word that means “in association with Truth.” When we meet together for satsang, we are meeting with the shared intention to explore the Truth of who and what we are at our essence, which is a fundamental practice on the path of spiritual liberation and self-realization.

Beginning August 18th, I will be guiding a Satsang & Meditation class at The Inner Warrior every Sunday from 11 am - 12 pm.

This class begins with a brief talk on a topic related to spiritual practice and the pursuit of Truth, often referencing teachings from a variety of eastern spiritual traditions.  There is then an opportunity for group discussion and reflection, followed by about 20 minutes of partially guided, partially silent meditation practice.

This class is beginner-friendly, as well as offering inspiration and support for experienced practitioners.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to be in community with other like-minded individuals who are sincerely curious about exploring the mystery of our own existence.

Who are you, before you have any thoughts about yourself? What is reality? What is liberation? How can we awaken more fully to the miraculous mystery of this life? How can we awaken the divine love within, and embody it, giving this love to both ourselves and to the world around us, in real and tangible ways?

These are the kinds of questions we explore when we gather for satsang, through contemplative discussion and meditation practice. 

May our practice benefit all beings. Om shanti.