1) GRACE GIVEN (Charles Mitchell)
I was given a breath
I was given a life
I was given a whole body
Everything in this life that I know and I love
is a grace that was given to me
Jai Ram
2) Shrī Hanumān Chālīsā (from Prayers of Love book)
maṅgala mūrati māruta nandana sakala amaṅgala mūla nikandana
Son of the Wind, embodiment of blessings and joy, you destroy the root of all that is inauspicious.
shrī guru charaṇ saroja raja nija mana mukura sudhāri baraṇau raghubara bimala jasu jo dāyaka phala chāri
Having polished the mirror of my heart with the dust from my Guru’s lotus feet, I sing the pure fame of the best of Raghus, which bestows the four fruits of life.
buddhihīna tanu jānike sumiraũ pavana kumār bala buddhi vidyā dehu mohĩ harahu kalesha bikār
I know I have no intelligence, I recall the Son of the Wind. Please give me strength, intelligence, and wisdom and remove my suffering and impurities.
siyā vara rāmachandra pada jaya sharanam
Hail to the refuge of the feet of Sita’s husband, Ramachandra.
1. jaya hanumāna jñāna guṇa sāgar jaya kapīsa tihũ loka ujāgar
Glory to you Hanuman, ocean of wisdom and virtue. Hail to the Lord of the Monkeys, the illuminator of the three worlds.
2. rāma dūta atulita bala dhāmā añjani putra pavanasuta nāmā
Ram’s emissary, abode of matchless power, Anjani’s son, named Son of the Wind.
3. mahābīra bikrama bajaraṅgī kumati nivāra sumati ke saṅgī
Great hero, mighty as a thunderbolt, remover of negative thoughts and companion to the good.
4. kañchana barana birāja subesā kānana kuṇḍala kuñchita kesa
Golden hued and splendidly adorned with heavy earrings and curly locks.
5. hātha vajra au dhvajā birājai kāṅdhe mūnja jane-ū sājai
In your hands shine mace and a banner; a sacred thread of munja grass adorns your shoulder.
6. shaṅkara suvana kesarī nandana teja pratāpa mahā jaga bandana
You are Siva’s incarnation and Kesari’s son – your glory is renowned throughout the world.
7. vidyāvāna guṇī ati chātura rāma kāja karibe ko ātura
You are the supremely wise, virtuous, and clever. You are ever intent on Ram’s work.
8. prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyā rāma lakhana sītā mana basiyā
You delight in hearing of the Lord’s deeds. Ram, Lakshman, and Sita dwell in your heart.
9. sūkshma rūpa dhari siyahĩ dikhāvā bikaṭa rūpa dhari laṇka jarāvā
Assuming a tiny form you appeared to Sita, and in awesome guise you burned Lanka.
10. bhīma rūpa dhari asura saṅhāre rāmachandraji ke kāja saṅvāre
Taking a dreadful form, you slaughtered the demons and completed Lord Ram’s mission.
11. lāya sajīvana lakhana jiyāye shrī raghubīra harashi ura lāye
Bringing the life-giving sajivana herb, you revived Lakshman, and Shri Ram joyfully embraced you.
12. raghupati kīnhī bahuta baṛā-ī tuma mama priya bharatahi sama bhā-ī
Greatly did the Lord of Raghus praise you saying, “You are as dear to me as my brother Bharat.”
13. sahasa badana tumharo jasa gāvaĩ asa kahi shrīpati kaṇṭha lagāvaĩ
“Thousands of mouths sing your praise,” so saying, Sita’s Lord drew you to himself.
14. sanakādika brahmādi munīsā nārada shārada sahita ahīsā
Sanak and the sages, gods, Brahma, great saints, Narada, Sharada, and king of the serpents,
15. yama kubera digapāla jahāṅ te kabi kobida kahi sake kahāṅ te
Yama, Kubera, and the guardians of the quadrants, poets and scholars – none can express your glory.
16. tuma upakāra sugrīvahĩ kīnhā rāma milāya rājapada dīnhā
You rendered great service to Sugriva. Introducing him to Lord Ram, you gave him kingship.
17. tumharo mantra vibhīshana mānā laṇkeshvara bha-e saba jaga jānā
Vibhishana heeded your counsel and became the lord of Lanka as all the world knows.
18. yuga sahasra yojana para bhānū līlyo tāhi madhura phala jānū
Even though the sun is millions of miles away, you swallowed it, thinking it to be a sweet fruit.
19. prabhu mudrikā meli mukha māhīṅ jaladhi lāṇghi gaye acharaja nāhīṅ
Holding the Lord’s ring in your mouth, it is no surprise you leapt over the ocean.
20. durgama kāja jagata ke jete sugama anugraha tumhare tete
Every arduous task in this world becomes easy by your grace.
21. rāma duāre tuma rakhavāre hota na ājñā binu paisāre
You are the guardian at the door of Ram’s abode, no one enters without your leave.
22. saba sukha lahai tumhārī sharanā tuma rakshaka kāhū ko ḍara nā
Taking refuge in you, one finds complete contentment. Those you protect know no fear.
23. āpana teja samhārau āpai tīnõ loka hāṅka tẽ kāṅpai
You alone can withstand your own splendor. The three worlds tremble at your roar.
24. bhūta pisācha nikaṭa nahĩ āvai mahābīra jaba nāma sunāvai
Ghosts and goblins cannot come near, great hero, when your name is uttered.
25. nāsai roga hare saba pīrā japata nirantara hanumata bīrā
All disease and pain is eradicated by the constant repetition of your name.
26. saṇkaṭa se hanumāna chhuṛāvai mana krama bachana dhyāna jo lāvai
Hanuman releases from affliction those who remember him in thought, word and deed.
27. saba para rāma tapasvī rājā tina ke kāja sakala tuma sājā
Ram the renunciate king reigns over all. You carry out all his work.
28. aura manoratha jo ko-ī lāvai so-ī amita jīvana phala pāvai
One who brings any yearning to you obtains the four fruits of life.
29. chārõ yuga paratāpa tumhārā hai parasiddha jagata ujiyārā
Your splendor fills the four ages; your glory lights up the world.
30. sādhu santa ke tuma rakhavāre asura nikandana rāma dulāre
You are the protector of saints and sages, the destroyer of demons, and the darling of Ram.
31. ashṭa siddhi nau nidhi ke dātā asa bara dīna jānakī mātā
You grant the eight powers and the nine treasures by the boon you received from Mother Janaki [Sita].
32. rāma rasāyana tūmhare pāsā sadā raho raghupati ke dāsā
You hold the elixir of Ram’s name and are forever his servant.
33. tumhare bhajana rāmajī ko pāvai janma janma ke duḥkha bisarāvai
Singing your praise, one finds Ram and the sorrows of lifetimes are left behind.
34. anta kāla raghubara pura jā-ī jahāṅ janma hari-bhakta kahā-ī
At death one goes to Ram’s own abode, born as God’s devotee.
35. aura devatā chitta na dhara-ī hanumata se-i sarva sukha kara-ī
There is no need to remember any other deity; worshiping Hanuman one gains all happiness.
36. sankaṭa kaṭai miṭai saba pīrā jo sumirai hanumata bala bīrā
All suffering and pain vanish when one remembers the brave Hanuman.
37. jai jai jai hanumāna gosā-ī kṛpā karahu gurudeva kī nā-ī
Glory, glory, glory to you Lord Hanuman. Bestow your grace on me as my Guru!
38. jo shata bāra pāṭha kara ko-ī chhūṭahi bandi mahā sukha ho-ī
Whoever recites this 100 times is freed from bondage and enjoys bliss.
39. jo yaha paṛe hanumāna chālīsā hoya siddhi sākhī gaurīsā
Those who read this Hanuman Chalisa gains abilities and success, as Gauri’s Lord (Siva) bears witness.
40. tulasīdāsa sadā hari cherā kījai nātha hṛdaya mahã ḍerā
Says Tulsidas, Hari’s constant servant, “Lord, please make your home in my heart.”
pavana tanaya saṅkaṭa harana maṅgala mūrati rūpa rāma lakhana sītā sahita hṛdaya basahu sura bhūpa
Son of the Wind, king of gods, banisher of sorrow and embodiment of blessings, dwell in my heart together with Ram, Lakshman, and Sita.
siyā vara rāmchandra pada jaya sharanam
Hail to the refuge of the feet of Sita’s husband, Ramachandra. •
Sri ram jai ram jai jai ram, sri ram jai ram jai jai ram
Sri ram jai ram jai jai ram, sri ram jai ram jai jai ram
Radhe radhe jai shri radhe radhe jai shri radhe
radhe radhe govinda hare
radhe radhe gopala hare
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
4) I WILL BE GRATEFUL (Anahata Bhakti)
Highest holiest heart of love goddess deep and god above is in every shade and every shine is all around and here inside
Wondrous love so free and flowing sea of stars and darkness glowing in every breath you fill me up I with overflowing cup
I will be grateful, I will be thankful, I will be grateful oh yeah oh yeah (x2)
Light of lights oh holy fire heart of all my hearts desire from firefly to deepest sea in all of it and all of me
Quiet love so wondrous radiant and glorious in every shade and every shine is all around and here inside
5) SITA RAM JAI HANUMAN (David Garrigues)
Sita ram hanuman sita ram sita ram jai hanuman
oh ram jai ram jai ram jai hanuman
sita ram jai ram sita ram jai ram sita ram jai ram hanumana bolo
sita ram jai ram jai jai ram sita ram jai ram jai jai ram
ram ram ram ram ram ram sita ram
6) Hymn of the New Body/Servant (Charles Mitchell)
My body is a vessel my body is a temple I’m a sacrifice I’m a sacrifice
I pray to all that’s holy all that’s alive within me pray with every breath pray with every breath
Earth fire air and water I am all of these together I am everything and nothing I am everything
I am open I am listening every piece of God is speaking pray with every breath pray with every breath
5) HOLLOW REED (Emily Joan Smith)
May I be empty, a hollow reed, may I be free free of my knowing, falling and flowing, into your sea (x2)
Hari om, hari om, hari om (x4)
hari om hari om hari om, hari om hari om hari om, hari om hari om hari om (x4)